Milnes Engineering is designing and permitting a new wastewater treatment facility to effectively replace an outdated facility that is in poor shape due to its age. The facility is located in the Eagle Lake Community Association in Covington Township, Lackawanna County, PA, and serves a seasonal residential campground community of approximately 3,300 lots.
The current wastewater facilities were initially built in the late 1980’s. The existing wastewater treatment process is a physical/chemical treatment process with influent flow equalization, effluent chlorination and de-chlorination with post-aeration. There is also an existing aerated sludge holding tank that the waste sludge is pumped into and hauled from. The permitted average daily flow for the current plant is 500,000 gpd. The plant is generally meeting the effluent standards presently, but it is well beyond its useful design life.
The new facilities being proposed would include a new triplex train Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) biological removal process with decant equalization (also serving as post-aeration), followed by tertiary cloth filtration and ultra-violet (UV) disinfection prior to effluent discharge. The existing aerated influent equalization basin will remain and be rehabilitated (including aeration equipment), and a new aerobic sludge holding tank will be installed. In addition, influent screening ahead of the flow equalization is proposed, and this will also include influent flow metering. The parameters of the existing NPDES Permit will be used for design and it is expected that the facility will routinely meet those parameters with proper operation and maintenance.
Milnes Construction will be doing the construction of the new treatment plant once the design and permitting has been completed. This is an exciting design-build project for us, and we are all looking forward to helping our client with their goal of providing reliable long-term water quality discharge from their new facilities. In addition to the new wastewater treatment facilities, Milnes Construction will also be rehabilitating/replacing all of the existing sewage pump stations within the development.